Sunday, May 27, 2007

K.. Thought I really NEEDED to share this with every1 since I got such a kick outta it.

Went to a restaurant this Saturday, thought I'd try something NEW right?

Take a look at the menu:


Haha! I know.. I know.. You guys wanted to know WHAT I ordered right?!?!

Yes yes.. You guessed it! I ordered BEEF PENIS CASSEROLE!!! Mmm-mmmn DELICIOUS!! mama-mia!

But no seriously after I saw that page... well... I *insert imagination here* ____________ .

Friday, May 18, 2007

Lightning Storm

I saw something INCREDIBLE today!

I decided to go on a walk tonight and like the sky is liek totally flashing and stuff. There's like a flash every 5 secs!

So like a trance, I started walking towards those flashing lights. It turned out to be the greatest dance/show I ever saw.

It was a LIGHTNING STORM!! Sure, you probably saw a bolt of lightning every once in awhile. But what I saw was a p
ower show of the Gods themselves!

It wasn't just a single bolt of lightning that flashed now and then, it was like WAVES of lightning, its like a line of light drawn in the sky that branches out.

Watching it on the top of a multi-storey carpark was a terrifying experience. Imagine people that flinch when an unexpected flash of lightning streaks through the sky, now imagine watching waves of lightning cutting through the sky like an epic battle of the gods; I broke out in cold sweat. Furthermore, I was afraid the storm might suddenly shift above the carpark and like strike me or something (haha!)

But yea, tonight, sitting alone at the top of a multi storey carpark, watching a storm that few would've seen in Singapore, somehow or rather I left with something more tonight. Something that I cannot put into words (considering the vocabulary that I have!).

I loved it!

PS: Though there was lightning every 4 seconds, there was no thunder. Also, I could see the lightning form and dissipate clearly, it was incredible.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


have you ever wondered about smells?

my nose is like permenantly blocked or constantly stuck at neutral smell gear...

so usually im not too bothered by smells .. BUT......

on the train today.. (yes. i took a train -.- THE HORROR!!) anyway, on the train today... I was like half-asleep (-.-)Zzzz when suddenly this WHIFF got me awake..

trust me.. it was like getting slapped in the face except that my nose is taking all the damage..


senses on full alert now, i scanned my immediate vacinity, in search of the one that DARES violate my sensibilities as such... when WHAT DO YOU KNOW the target i was looking for is sitting RIGHT BESIDE ME........

and no.. it wasn't durians, or rotten eggs/fish bought by some aunties, but instead... it was... BO..

or BODY ODOUR!! *poof*

the person that was leaking this wonderous odour (fit for the record books) was from this old ah pek looking man, gruff face with britles dotting his triple chins, to top it all off, hes armpit sweat glands musta been working overtime as theres sweat spots under his armpits, HUMONGUOS sweat spots at that.

To top it all off with a cheery on top, he smiled his broken tooth at me, looking somewat sheepish (mayb he knew he SMELLED all along!! :o )

i tried to reply with a wry smile but... i choked.

i ran like... *insert imagination here* then had to cab the rest of the way..


Sunday, May 6, 2007


Iirashai ma sen!


Kae, tis' the start of the new blog that I promised in my 1st blog:


to keep u entertained for the day..

check this out!